Q) What are the methods to reduce energy costs in companies?
R) There are many methods, but we can divide them into three macro-categories, implement energy efficiency actions, that is, consume less with the same activity performed, self-produce energy with various methoses, buy energy or energy fuel at a higher price low as possible. Obviously it is a very complex issue as a whole, where there are also important environmental considerations on issues such as pollution and exploitation of resources, comfort and use of energy, any state facilities, etc...
Q) What is the most convenient thing to do? Where do we start?
R) It is certainly always necessary to start from a creful analysis performed by a professional in the sector of consolidated experience. The professional performs an energy analysis, which for energy-consuming companies (which consume a lot) is even mandatory by law, this report will include a whole series of proposals and activities of the three aforementioned macrocategories. The report will be all the more complete and effective, how high the technological/energy comptence of the person who performed it, will have to contain a cost/benefit budget for each proposed intervention, also in terms of environmental and green image, in this way the entrepreneur can decide and schedule how, when and if to carry out the interventions.
Q) Is there any list of qualified professionals?
R) The are some figures identified by law that are the EGE (energy management experts), of course there are companies and/or consultancy and/or design offices specialized in this sector, here too competence, references and experience are determinated to obtain an appreciable result.
Q) After choosing the professional and the interventions to be performed as I have to behave for the choice of suppliers whi will carry out the interventions?
R) This is a very important aspect because there are many proposals and solutions on the market, both technological and financial. The financial proposals related to the interventions to be performed are simpler because we can identify and appreciate the pros and cons of each of them, are the following:
- purchase of assets or plants;
- rental of assets or facilities;
- traditional or subsidized financing of assets or plants;
- the ESCO (Energy saving company) formula where a third-party company pays for interventions and remunerates itself with savings or incentives over a period of time following a supervolting contract with the end customer;
- hybrid formulas of the aforesaid with possible state facilities.
The technological proposals are more varied and complex and also the choice of which interventions to perform in temporal order is not so obvious.
The good professional will be able to guide the final customer in these choices. The consultant must always be a super partes subject for the final customer who evaluates actions of the specific interventions, also acting as a coordinator between the property and the person carrying out the interventions.
Q) On what basis do I realize savings and energy efficiency measures?
R) The criteria are as follows:
- Image
- Pure savings
- Solving problems related to energy
- Protection of the production process
- Achievement of maximum energy independence
- Environmentalist soul and green
- Financial availability
- Simplicity of interventions
- Cost of the interventions
- ROI of the intervention: time to return the investment
- Compliance with legal obligations
- A mix of all these reasons
As we can see, there is no main or priority dynamic because this is subjective and linked to specific objectives and needs.
Q) Is there a common denominator in the choice of an investment or an intervention in energy efficiency?
R) Surely the common denominator almost always present is the energy saving and the impact that this saving has on the company budget, in most cases the preferred interventions are always inclusive of a mix of resolved problems, savings/cost/green/image/process.
Q) What does Albasystem reccomend?
R) Albasystem is an energy system integrator that designs and manufactures innovative systems and owners of production and energy savings to be implemented especially in existing situations. The interventions to be performed are always agreed with the final customer and his energy consultant based on the priorites identified after a careful energy analysis that starts from the production process and its peculiarities. With its experience, Albasystem believes that enegy self-production based on a mix of effient energies such as gas cogeneration, renewable energy such as photovoltaics or biomass, integrating the traditional systems present in the company, all maged by an energy system based on artificial intelligence that can optimize and manage in the best way all transversal interventions carried out in energy efficiency such as a heat recovery in the production process, a replacement of LED lights or a change of engines with a low consumption inverter. Albasystem designs and builds within itself the AspecGen cogenerator which is the basis of the energy self-production system where integration and management are carried out by means of the patented energy system Aspecindustry.
Q) What are the real results of the varous energy systems or of the varius interventions in energy efficiency?
R) It is obvious and imperative that the first rule is to CONSUME LESS through efficient and efficient systems, certainly not using inefficient systems only because I have so much energy available, this is an old paradigm, perhaps linked to the incentive systems of the energy that is no longer feasible. Intervets simple, which we also do not perform, such as replacing the lights with LEDS or old electric motors with new inverters, or more efficient machinery, from boilers to refigeration groups to eliminate resistance systems with systems more efficient, insulation, energy recoveries, etc... they are all VERY USEFUL interventions and with a time of return on investment of a few years. Every energy efficiency intervention has a cost/benefit ratio that impacts more or less importantly on the company balance sheet, the self-production of energy usually has a more important impact but also a cost on investment usually greater.
Q) Why is the self-production of energy recommended?
R) The self-production of electricity and/or thermal energy has many positive aspects, the first one is that it impacts immediately and directly on business costs and avoids the partial or total monthly payment of the electricity bill (fixed costs apart), the cost of self-production in much lower than that paid to the energy provider whatever it is and therefore the convenience is immediate, then there is the production in the case of cogeneration also of thermal carriers such as hot water and/or steam, in advanced systems of the latest generation never excess energy is ever produced because everything is controlled by advanced amanagement software like Aspecindustry.
Q) If I thimk that cogeneration is the right choice for those I have to contact for an offer or a feasibility assessment?
R) In the case of cogeenration there are several figures on the market, energy consultants, designers, cogenerators and system integrators, each of them can deal with a different aspect of the system, the system integrator could take care of everything, buying the cogenerator from the manufacturer. Albasystem is both manufacturer and system integrator and can provide a "turnkey" service from the feasibility study to full-service after plant start-up, it can also collaborate and use the final customers' electrothermal or energy consultants for some aspects of the intervention such as the plants in the field or the control and supervision.